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Chairperson's Message

HURXLEY english site

A company representative will provide a briefing about our management strategies.


dvantages and Growth Strategies of Hurxley

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01.The information on this site shall not be construed as a solicitation for investments, including the purchase and sales of our stock. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information in any case. Decisions on securities investment are the responsibility of investors themselves at their own risk.

02.We may alter or delete the information on this site without prior notice.

03.Information in our plans, projections, and strategies, other than historical facts, is our future outlook for business performance, which include figures forecast by management based on data, assumptions, and judgments as of the date of release. The projection includes uncertain factors, so actual business performance may differ significantly from the projected business performance.

04.Although we pay the closest attention to the information on this site, we are not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from errors in information, technical issues due to mechanical errors of servers, or falsification of data by a third party.

05.We may post on this site information that falls under material facts specified in the Securities and Exchange Law within 12 hours from release (before the “publication” defined in the provisions of Article 30 of the enforcement ordinance of the Securities and Exchange Law). In case an investor purchases or sells our stocks based on the information on this site within 12 hours from release, the trade may conflict with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Law as a violation of insider trading rules. When trading, investors should take into account the above issue for the use of information that is deemed a material fact.